Wednesday, May 5, 2010

On the mend

Day three in the PICU.

Nova was brought by ambulance to the emergency room from her pediatrician office on Monday morning. They think
It was a nasty virus that attacked her lungs. Monday night was awful, her body just couldn't keep up anymore. She was put on s ventilator and sedated to give her a break. She is off the vent and is just getting continuous albuterol and some steroids. They have started feeding her again, though just a tiny little bit to start. She it beginning to feel a bit more like herself.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Another long night

I feel awful that she is having ch s rough time with this. She has been getting sick after or during every feed. Reflux my ass. I think this GI doctor just doesn't know what else it could be, so he's saying it's reflux. But that's the least of my worries at the moment. I just want her to get some rest. But it's too hot and she's been so wheezy lately. Her heart rate is higher than normal. I know i haven't had a decent nights rest in three days. Shes been really warm but not super fever-y. I hate it. The feeling of helplessness when your child is sick is overwhelming. We all need some rest.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Sick again

So Nova is sick again. Its aweful, this time it's wheezing and a (very) low grade fever. Her o2 sats are still in the mid 90s so that's good thing. By when you mix the wheezing with the chronic barfing it makes for a rough day. Shes on her cool mist and we are administering lots of saline to help keep things loose, but it still keeps us worried. Hope fully once she clears out more mucus it will be okay.

This happened on one of the last really warm days we had as well. I can't help but wonder if there is a correlation. Or is she really just this susceptible to illness with her trache? Either way it makes for some long days, and longer nights.

And of course she gets sick the weekend we pick up her hearing aid. We haven't even put it on her once since we have been home because of this. But after her initial reaction in the audiologist office www have been a little apprehensive. She had a complete meltdown. Not that I can blame her. Can you imagine really starting to hear normal sounds for the first time? And in a strange place? So we want to gradually work her into wearing it, and we wanted to start in a familiar place for short
periods of time. And she gets sick that night. Awesome. I am going to put it on her later anyways, but i figured waiting until she felt a little better wouldn't hurt.